Sunday, April 5, 2009

Eliza starts to talk...

Eliza had to do a blood test on Friday to check that she's immune from Hep was an harrowing experience for both of us. Of course the wait drove me nuts as well...3 hours!!! It was also past Eliza's nap time and lunch time. But she survived on bread anyway. In the midst of the waiting, we had fun pointing out the stars (Eliza did the twinkle twinkle hand sign), she said 'bao bao', she started saying Elmo, she said 'bread'...all not the most accurate but i know she's saying it. So exciting!

Anyway, Eliza started crying the moment she got pinned down and it was a looooong time cos it's not like an injection, poke and done, we still had to wait till the PD could draw out at least 2.5ml of blood. After that Eliza was quite frazzled. Even after she calmed down after the PD gave her a sweet, she'd cry again when she saw the plaster on her hand. poor girl...

This was what she was doing in the morning....nowadays, since she knows how to open the snack cupboard, she'll empty it and we found her arranging them like this on friday morning...

She found a new use for the Ikea stool...if i can't find it in the room nowadays, i know who has taken it..

I thought looong and hard and for days before i eventually got this music instrument set. It was $119, but was on sale for $59.90 at the Take Baby Fair...i prefer toys like these over those battery operated ones. And this is one of the rare toys i do buy for her.

Last sunday...our $450 worth of milk powder...Eliza posing with it. You better finish it ah!!

Last sunday, she was sooo tired out even after her late morning nap she continues to zzz on the sofa...if you realize, her porridge is's lunch time and she's still snoozing.

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