Friday, December 21, 2007

Days of Eliza

Of babies and poop...
babies poo and pee lotsa of times a day. a poo moment is a certainty of a diaper change. and for a while Eliza poos everytime she has her milk. now it's almost every alternate milk time. but it can be a lot! it's fine when it's in the diapers...but she doesn't always tell you when she's gonna poo. so it can happen (and has happened)...when i'm halfway changing diapers, or bringing her to bathe. and it's amazing the strength of poo. once while i was changing her diapers and trying to clean a hard to reach part, suddenly a gush of poo flew out, messing up my shirt, the diaper change table and floor. a mess! after all babies can't tell u when they're gonna poo. at most she'll give me that 'zen' look after all the pooing, as if she's really satisfied of her work.

Of babies and sleep...
new born babies sleep about 15hrs a day + - few hours. and thank God Eliza's schedule is getting a lil more regular. day time after her bath and nap is a good feed/play/nap time. and we put her on her tummy to sleep in the day and oh does she sleep so soundly. even through the vacuum cleaner sounds. we put her on her tummy to sleep only in the day so we can periodically check on her. this morning i left her sleeping facing left, when i checked again, i found her facing her right, and when i checked again later, i found her facing her left about active sleep!
this is how she looks like when we put her down (and she's somewhat ready to sleep)..looking quite contemplative

after 10mins or so....comfortably zz-ing away...

it's the late evenings that are somewhat difficult because she'd feed and play, then seemingly want to sleep but when we put her down she'll fuss and want to be carried...and it'll drag for 3 hours till her next feed when i'll have to feed her and hope she'll fall asleep. we discovered, with my mil's cue, on patting her to sleep...calms her down a bit so she won't be so agitated.

Of babies and carrying...
They LOVE to be carried. sometimes when i carry her in my arms, she'll seemingly look really dozy and close her eyes, almost drifting into dreamland. but the moment i put her down to bed she'll wake and make a fuss to want to be carried again. my mil started carrying her at her shoulder and we discovered that Eliza loves that position...sometimes finding a nice spot to rest her head on the shoulder and gaze into space...once she even fell asleep! sweet!

as much as we don't want her to be overreliant on being carried, sometimes you just can't resist carrying her because she's so contented being carried!

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