Friday, March 6, 2009

It's just photos

Now that i'm working 4-day weeks. It seems like I'm missing out on a lot of fun trips we can do outside and even lazy days at home. I've enjoyed it during my MC days but then again...i was so unable to carry her, we couldn't really go out much for good sunshine and outdoor air.

So left with 3 non-working days, i really try to make a point to make Friday Eliza-day with mummy. It's our day together. Weekends are quite busy too with cell, cousins coming over, dinner at mum's place, church on sunday, outings with daddy...just with more people, that is. So friday is a leisurely day, without any particular programmes and i try to go out with her to let her walk about and see new stuff. It's so different from last time when she could only crawl and we wouldn't let her on to the ground.

So outings it is....!

East Cost Beach outing
We just popped over for some sea air after dinner and also so that Eliza can try out her walking skills. It was also Valentine's day actually. And it was nice being out as a big family. We walked to the Big Splash area where the car boot sale was going on and I was trying to point out a cute white dog to Eliza. The owners were nice to let their dog come closer and let Eliza touch it. No longer is she afraid of dogs...ok...she even wanted to 'cha1tou2' it and kiss it.

Walking with her grandparents...

To some extent, i don't get too particular about what she touches as long as it's not poisonous or too holding the rail is fine...and i had to emphasize that cos grandparents and daddy is more particular. Now's the time to explore!

Then it was one of the trips to our usual TM...i wanted to bring her to Toy 'R us to roam about and play with whatever toys there is. Interestingly, she was stuck to ONE toy...

She had fun carrying it around everywhere she roamed at that toy row (she's into carrying medium to large stuff all the time)...

Even if she wants to play with another toy...she'll have to carry this one over...

A Walk downstairs...
My FIL usually brings her for a walk downstairs around 830am so that my mil can prepare the food for lunch & dinner. Last friday, i brought her down instead. The weather is fantastic at around this time so the playground wasn't too hot to explore.....
Here...i think she's doing some stretching exercises...

Sitting on the bouncer...

Squat to take a better look?

Checking out the basketball court...actually she was very curious about the basketball and wanted to join the guys playing over there...

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